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Not many would be aware of this, but the government has legislation for health and safety of people at work. Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 requires employers to have appropriate management systems for health and safety at work. The Act contains provisions to ensure the health of people at work, welfare and safety of employees, including those who are not employed directly by the company as contractors and visitors.
Health and Safety at Work

While the law exists and is mandatory for employers to follow the guidelines, it is also necessary that employees know their rights and duties towards their own health and safety. Employers should carry out a full risk assessment to ensure the health and safety of its employees.

To raise awareness of health and safety at work, employers should have appropriate induction and training programs for employees in health and safety whenever new employees join the company. The induction program should educate employees about safety rules, procedures and company policies.

The basic principles of safety and health at work is starting to have adequate first aid. Each organization is big or small should have kits and systems adequate first aid. At work, people can be injured or fall ill. It is very important for the company / companies have taken steps to ensure that employees receive immediate medical attention. A person who has been properly trained to administer first aid must be designated as such.

Fire safety is of paramount importance in the workplace. Hazards and sources of fuel, oxygen and ignition etc potential must be identified. Adequate systems for fire detection and warning should be in place to avoid any mishap. Fire extinguishers should be kept available at various locations throughout the building. There should be exit doors and escape routes in the building. Electrical equipment and wiring must be adapted and monitored at regular intervals. Employees should receive training on the treatment in case of fire. Fire Drill and assessment of fire risks must be taken at regular intervals.

Stress at work is common. But if it starts to affect the health of the employee, then that is a problem. Employers must identify the factors that cause excessive stress to employees. A risk assessment of stress must be done to identify hazards and potential risks. Appropriate measures should be taken to control the stress of excessive employees. Employees must receive appropriate training, support and care to help prevent and relieve stress.

Employers must comply with the rules of control substances hazardous to health. Health risks that employees of chemicals or substances used in the workplace must assess face. Of appropriate control measures should be taken even be followed by employees. Training and information on the health risks must be provided to employees.

It also requires employers to have adequate policies for the health and safety of the disability. Employees with cognitive, physical, sensory, street and other disabilities are entitled to accommodation and appropriate facilities in the workplace. There must be adequate access, lighting, signage, seating arrangements for people with disabilities. Other employees of the company should also be made aware of it.

Pregnant and new mothers are entitled to appropriate care in the workplace. Employers must identify potential hazards to the mother and baby during labor. Employers can offer an alternative, time to work different or less or paid to ensure the health and safety of mother and baby working holiday. Similarly, provisions should be made for young workers and single workers. A full risk assessment must be done to ensure the safety, health and safety of employees.

It is important that the employer and the employee is aware of the rights and obligations relating to health and safety. For more details, you can take the services of a consultant to health and safety, or just search for "health and safety" in any search engine.
